Sunday, November 23, 2008

MacawMacaw Press: Project #2

Front Cover:

Silhouette Portraits of Barbara Henning (right) and Sheila Murphy (left). The silhouettes are handcut.

Interior Spread:

The front covers are velcroed to the interior pocket.

Interior pocket:

All the pages are loose inside the interior pocket.


Instead of page numbers, holes have been punched in the pages to keep them in order.


The Inconvenience of Nearness was written by Barbara Henning and Sheila Murphy. It was designed and edited by MacawMacaw Press members Bonnie Jean Michalski and Paul Klinger. The project was completed for the November 18, 2006 Poetry In Action reading featuring Barbara Henning and Sheila Murphy and sponsored by POG.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Listen to this! It's Free!

1. Click the link above.
2. Scroll down until you see the name "Anna Fulford."
3. Click on the name "Anna Fulford."
4. Listen to Anna Fulford read.
5. Go back and listen to all the other great readings in this archive.
6. Say "Thank You" to Frank.
7. Donate time and/or money to the service organization/charity/nonprofit of your choice.
8. You have successfully completed your task. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Monday, September 1, 2008

MacawMacaw Press: Project #1

Front Cover of another tiny letter into a meddle.

Front and Back cover.

Mirrored chapbooks featuring work by Elizabeth Robinson and Susanne Dyckman, Catherine Wagner and Michelle Auerbach.

"3 Questions about Bookmaking," from an interview with Jamie Robles.

The accordion fold.

Completed in October 2006 with support from the Tucson Pima Arts Council and the POG Reading Series, another tiny letter into a meddle was produced by the members of MacawMacaw Press: Anna Fulford, Bonnie Jean Michalski, Paul Klinger and Dawn Pendergast.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Edge: a Reading Series of Emerging and Younger Writers

Anna Fulford, Charlie Jensen, & Nadine Lockhart

Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:30 p.m.

Casa Libre en la Solana: 228 N. 4th Avenue

Suggested Donation: $5

Come to the fifth reading of Edge: A Reading Series of Emerging and Younger Writers. Edge is a new series of local and national writers and cross-genre artists, emphasizing diversity of narrative, identity and literary source. Its purpose is to create community, visibility and voice for emerging and younger writers. Broadsheets of the authors' work will accompany each reading. Books and journals will be available for purchase and signing by the authors. Refreshments will be available after the reading.


Anna Fulford was raised in the Pacific Northwest because her parents read a lot of Ken Kesey novels. If Anna were a detective, she would investigate cause and effect of the human literary imagination on processes of identity formation and decision making. Now she lives in Tucson because she read The Bean Trees and Pigs in Heaven. Also, she received her MFA from The University of Arizona. Anna's work has recently appeared in FENCE and online in Little Red Leaves Issue 2 and Coconut 11. Her chapbook "for The Workhouse, All" is forthcoming from Dos Press.

Charlie Jensen is the assistant director for the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University. He holds an MFA in poetry from ASU and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Leadership and Management. He is the author of three chapbooks, including Living Things, which won the 2006 Frank O’Hara chapbook award, and The Strange Case of Maribel Dixon. He was a recipient of a 2007 Artist’s Project Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. His poetry has appeared in Bloom, Columbia Poetry Review, Copper Nickel, The Journal, New England Review, spork, and West Branch. He is the founding editor of the online poetry magazine LOCUSPOINT, which explores creative work on a city-by-city basis.

Nadine Lockhart is completing an MFA at ASU this coming fall and graduated with an MA in English from the same university ten years prior. She is an assistant editor for Merge: An Independent Journal of Convergent Ideas, an associate poetry editor for Hayden's Ferry Review, a founding member of the Copper Star Poetry Series in central Phoenix, and reads with the Black Cat Sunday Poets in New Mexico. Her most recent poetic adventures include three writing residency awards within 9 months.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"My eye is dark in the middle,"

observed katydid, looking through it.